February 19th - June 12th, 2010

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Back Side of Postcard Sent to BMCM+AC

"99% is Shit"

Ray Johnson Show postcard

(front side)

Note from curator: In every exhibition catalogue you'll find a pair of postcards slipped in. We ask you, in the spirit of Ray, to send one card to a friend and send one back to us, altering and adding as you see fit. Here begins a small show of the pieces that have arrived so far.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

BMC Mural (in Progress), Merce

Carolina Lane, around corner of new 5 Walnut wine bar

Friday, May 7, 2010

Asheville Vaudeville

Intermission, in the alley

Thomas Butler, Caught in the Act

Asheville Vaudeville, last night at the BeBe Theatre